
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey everyone! Thank you for continuing to read Courtney and I’s blog! We wanted to share a video with you that will give you a brief glimpse into the ministry that we will be working with in the DR. We are so excited to partner with a group that is so hungry to make the name of Jesus known throughout the Dominican Republic! 



Courtney and I are also switching things up a bit, and so our April update will be coming soon in video format instead of written format. We feel that our updates in video form will feel a little more personal and allow you to really understand how excited we are to be starting this journey that God is calling us to! Thank you so much for your continued support and prayers! I pray that the LORD would continue to stretch you and mold you and grow you into the man or woman that He has created you to be, and that you would fulfill the purposes He has for you here on Earth as you make His Name known! 



Cal & Courtney