
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hello! We are t-minus 1 month until we have a new addition to our little family! As we continue to prepare for the baby, the Dominican Republic, and all that God is doing, we wanted to just make this blog post full of prayer requests. We appreciate your continued support and just your willingness to take the time to pray for us and lift us up to the Father! 



– We are planning on a natural, unmedicated birth and so prayers for endurance, perseverance, peace, and joy for mother, baby, and all involved would be much appreciated! 

– Courtney has done so much preparation (mind, body, & soul) for this birth, and so just pray that she would be fully prepared in all aspects to take on the challenge of birth and that the Lord would protect her mind during birth so that she can persevere to the beautiful end of birthing a child! 

– Pray for baby, that the birth process would be smooth and not stressful for the baby, and that mother/baby would be completely healthy and safe during the birth process! 

– Finally, pray for me that I would just be the most loving, gentle, and patient birth partner that I possibly can be and that the LORD would give me the right words to say and right actions to do at the exact right times! 


Dominican Republic 

– Pray that we would persevere in the discouraging times and also not take our foot off the gas when things are going well. That we would just be steady and consistent in moving ahead with preparations for the DR. 

– Pray that we would meet with the exact right people we need to, and that God would lead us to those who want to be a part of this team of people partnering in what God is going to do in the DR in us and through us! 

– Pray also that, as we press forward, we would not forget to slow down and connect with those who have already been faithfully supporting us, some for almost a year now! 

– Pray that God would prepare our hearts to love the people we will meet, befriend, and minister to in the DR. That He would just continue giving us His heart for the Dominican people in preparation for our time there! 


Spanish Learning

– Spanish learning has fallen a bit on the back burner the closer we get to the baby. But, as we settle in to being new parents, please just pray that we would have a fresh vigor for learning Spanish and that the LORD would open our minds to understand and quickly learn the language! 



– Pray that this pursuit of God’s call would continue to unify Courtney and I and that our marriage would be strengthened through it! That we would not forgot to invest in each other as we go along this journey! 


Thank you so much for your willingness to join us and fight for us in prayer! We could not do any of this without you!

A praise lately, is that God has really given us opportunities to minister to people here in America, and has given us the boldness and courage to have Gospel conversations with people around us. I have been able to have some really great conversations with some guys from the halfway house that partners with our church, one of our neighbors at our apartment complex, and some of the boys from the 8th grade youth group that I help with. It’s been awesome to have more doors open up for those conversations lately, so pray that doors would continue opening and that we would be aware enough to see them and bold enough to walk through them! 

Thank you so much for reading and supporting! We strongly believe any fruit that comes from our ministry will certainly be attributed by God to those who support us as well, whether that’s financially or in prayer! Thank you for partnering in what God is doing!


~Cal & Courtney