
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hello everyone! Courtney and I hope your summers are going great! Just a quick update here from us about the DR, support-raising, the baby, etc. For all of you who read our blogs, pray for us, and support us financially, it means a lot to have you in our corner partnering with us in the work that God has for us. Thank you for supporting and being a part of Kingdom work! None of this could happen without your partnership, so I just wanted to take the time to slow down and say THANK YOU! 


– Courtney and I continue to think through what the DR will look like logistically in terms of where we’ll live, mode of transportation, etc. Please just be praying that the Lord would open doors and prompt us to think about these things in the appropriate timing so that we can prioritize properly! 

– We continue to focus on learning Spanish. We have some CDs that we listen to in the car to reinforce basic Spanish, and then I practice Spanish once-a-week with Horlyn, a friend from the DR who now lives here in Omaha. Please pray that our minds would be open to learn and retain Spanish! 

– As far as baby goes, Courtney is 30 weeks pregnant tomorrow! Hard to believe this baby girl is going to be born very soon. All of our appointments have been really good and no major issues at this point. Baby is progressing normally and growing well. Courtney has really been craving beef and milk for a while now haha! Please pray that the baby would continue to be safe and healthy in the womb and that she would be born when God says it’s time for her to come. 

– Finally, Courtney and I continue to meet with potential partners for the DR. It’s just an awesome opportunity to get to know people better and hear their heart for missions and what God has them doing in life. Please pray that God would continue to provide financially and would lead us to those who have a heart for missions and want to partner with us! 


Thanks for reading our July update! 


If you would like to support Courtney, baby, and I in missions, you can do so by clicking the ‘Partner with Us!’ link on the left-hand side of the page. We are primarily seeking monthly partners so that we can build a sustainable support team that will continue on into what God has for us in the future. Thank you!