
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hello everyone!  

Below is my January update about how work with Adventures in Missions is going, what Courtney and I have been doing, and more! Thanks for reading!  



Courtney and I….  

-First things first, Courtney and I are going to be parents!!! The biggest news of January was definitely that Courtney is pregnant! We are very excited for this new journey and feel blessed to have one of our hearts’ desires come true as we get to become Dad and Mom. Prayers would be much appreciated for our little baby and for Courtney and I to prepare well for being Father and Mother!


-In our December update, I wrote “Courtney and I are in preliminary discussions to go back to the Dominican Republic, for a longer time period, and train underneath this missionary couple. We really love their ministry and the ways that God is using them, and we think it would be wise to learn from them about how to have a successful ministry and also have a great family life at the same time. So pray that God would open the doors that need to be opened to make that happen!” 

Courtney and I have always felt like God has brought us together to be missionaries and to raise a family overseas, so having a baby does not deter us one bit from partnering in His Kingdom Work. I asked that you would pray for doors to be opened, and a door has definitely opened… More on this to come in our February update! 

-The Men’s Basketball Group at Brookside is going great! The group continues to grow and it has been such a blessing to get to know men in the church that I have not had the opportunity to meet before. Pray that we would continue to know each other on a deeper level and that it would be more about spurring each other on in the faith than it is about basketball! 

-Courtney and I also worked at a 4th/5th grade retreat one weekend in January. As part of her job, Courtney was one of the main organizers and then I was a camp counselor for 4 boys. It was a great time just serving and helping the kids to have fun, but I was also impressed by some of the conversations we had about what the boys believe about God and who Jesus is to them. Courtney was also one of the main speakers at the retreat! 


Adventures in Missions

-In January, I officially started working with 11 different squads (I started with just 3.)  The first few weeks was definitely a feeling of “I think I bit off more than I can chew”, but things have settled in lately and are going smoothly. I enjoy the challenge of it and the necessity of finding better, more efficient ways to do things! It’s a blessing to be in a place where I can use the gifts God has given me to further His Kingdom!

-One of our World Race 11n11 squads is currently in Romania. With Romania bordering the Ukraine, it was unclear for a bit how Russia’s invasion would impact this squad. But some beautiful, yet heartbreaking, ministry has evolved from this situation, as this squad now gets to minister to and love on the Ukrainian refugees fleeing their country via Romania. Pray that they would be the light of Christ to these people who had to leave everything behind! 

-For more on what Adventures in Missions is doing to assist Ukraine, you can read/give here if you would like… 


Thanks for reading our January update!  

*Courtney and I are continuing to prepare for the future and develop partnerships with people who believe in what we are doing and who want to support what God is doing in our lives. If you would like to be a part of what God is doing, please message/call Courtney or I, or comment below. If you would like to be a financial partner, you can give by clicking the “Partner With Us!” link on the left side of the page. Thanks for all your support!


4 responses to “January Update”

  1. Congrats! Once you are overseas I have to come and do ministry with you 😉

  2. Congratulations on your new roll as parents. I am praying for you and your baby. I’m sure all of the grandparents are thrilled. Give my love to your Mom Cal. She has always been one of my favorite people.